

Maintain the value of your clothing


Short introduction

A deeper dive into CARE

Quick Wins & Challenges

Now you come into play!


Short introduction

It is important that we CARE for our textiles so that we can enjoy as much time with them as possible.

Find out how to maintain your textiles' look, feel, function, and fit with optimal CARE, and learn the best methods for different garments.


This method is suitable for all textiles that you own or use. Whether dirty or newly purchased - every textile needs regular CARE to ensure a long life. Even if you want to keep your clothes circulating, you should pay attention to their condition and clean them.

Deep Dive

A deeper dive into CARE

Have you heard of Earth Overshoot Day? Calculated annually, the day marks when humanity's resource consumption for the year has exceeded Earth’s capacity to regenerate those resources that year. In 2024, Germany had used up a whole year's worth of resources by May 2. If everyone lived like we do in Germany, we would need three Earths! (1)

But there are no more Earths available, so we need to learn how to extend the lifespan of materials and textiles to protect our planet. By caring for our clothing, we’re taking an important step.

Here, we explore techniques for caring for our textiles and provide a bit of background information on the associated social, ecological, economic and political aspects. If you want to learn the best ways to CARE for your clothes right away you can jump straight to ourr tips.


In many areas of our everyday life it can make sense to act in a way that is precautionary and forward-looking. This is especially the case when it comes to textiles and the clothing you own. This means focussing on quality rather than quantity when choosing clothes so that CARE is worthwhile. Other forward-looking actions can also be protecting your clothing from dirt and stains, as well as treating stains, or mending tears and holes as soon as they appear.

As our clothes and shoes are made from different materials, they require different types of CARE. Therefore, always check the care label and familiarize yourself with the different detergents and washing machine settings so that you can wash your clothes gently. Clothes that are labeled dry clean only can often also be cleaned on a cold gentle cycle, thus avoiding a process that is harmful to human health and the environment.

Did you know that frequent washing damages the fibres of textiles and leads to colour loss? Check whether you can partially pre-treat small stains so that you can avoid washing or reduce the washing temperature.

Have your clothes assumed a smell but are free of stains? Air your clothes in the fresh air or hang them in the warm steam after showering.

In Germany, each inhabitant uses an average of around 6.5 kilograms of detergent per year.
Umweltbundesamt (2)

Now it's time for the laundry. Before you switch on your washing machine, sort your laundry by colour and material. This will help you avoid discolouration and shrinkage. Load the machine as full as possible and wash at a low temperature. Even heavily soiled clothes can often be cleaned effectively at lower temperatures, as modern detergents are also effective at low temperatures.

When choosing a detergent, it is important to consider the needs of your clothes. Did you know that heavy-duty detergents break down proteins and therefore damage animal fibres such as wool? It's better to use wool detergent or, in an emergency, shampoo. Washing is even more environmentally friendly if you use highly concentrated washing powder sparingly and do not use fabric softener.

Fresh air works best when drying laundry. This is because tumble dryers can damage the fibres. Shake out the laundry to avoid creases and dry knitwear flat to prevent deformation.

Did you know that more than half of tops, trousers, and shoes are discarded after three years even though they can usually still be worn?(3) Don't worry about wear marks on your clothes. They show that you really love and live in them. With the right CARE, you'll be able to do so for a very long time.

If a garment is worn for 9 months longer than usually, the associated CO2 emissions can be reduced by 27%, water consumption by 33%, and waste by 22%.
McKinsey (4)


Caring for your textiles is important for extending their lifespan, but it can also have a negative impact on the environment. A third of CO2 emissions (5) and 35% of total freshwater use (6) throughout the life cycle of a textile are caused by washing and care. According to, we could save half of the emissions alone if we avoided one in six washes, washed half of the laundry below 30 degrees, and replaced every third dryer use with drying in the fresh air (7).

Washing synthetic textiles often produces microplastics. By choosing natural materials and second-hand fashion, we can reduce the release of microplastics during washing, as most of them are produced during the first few washes. You should also check the ingredients of your detergents. Many of them are petroleum-based, contain liquid plastics (microplastics), and are difficult to break down.


In our society, caring for textiles is often seen as a frugal and rather feminine activity. Due to fast fashion and the abundance of new purchasing options, an economical, caring approach to clothing does not seem like a necessity. It is difficult for us to realize how we are using up the resources of future generations. With CARE, you are shifting your approach to clothing from one of consumption to one of preservation, both of the clothes themselves and also the Earth. Caring for your textiles is an act of climate justice, preserving resources for current and future generations. At the same time, CARE strengthens your bond with your clothes - you feel even more comfortable and cared for in them!

A study shows that we feel a certain emotional connection to something if we use or own it for more than 5 years.
Maja van der Velden (8)


It is often challenging to apply the principles of CARE in our everyday lives. We do not place the same emphasis on CARE as we do on production and consumption. Fashion brands mainly make profits with new collections rather than through caring services. With CARE, however, you can really save money By paying attention to the quality of your clothes and looking after them properly, you don't have to buy as many new items. You can also reduce your energy and water consumption by following the washing tips.

Companies in the textile industry can play a crucial role in making the CARE of your textiles sensible and feasible. Fashion brands should offer high-quality products along with useful care instructions. A comprehensive range of sustainable textile and shoe care services is also useful for implementing CARE in our everyday lives. We need local interaction between us consumers and service providers in order to preserve our resources together.


Political institutions play an important role in promoting this new form of cooperation. Through regulations and incentives, they can encourage all relevant groups to work towards the preservation of resources. CARE significantly reduces resource consumption and waste, which can help to achieve environmental and political goals such as Germany's aim to be climate neutral by 2045 (9) or Berlin's goal of being a "Zero Waste City" (10).

Wondering how legislation can help you take better CARE of your textiles?

A key part of the European strategy for sustainable and circular textiles is the introduction of the EU Ecodesign Regulation for fashion companies (expected to be made law by 2026). The aim of this is to minimise the environmental impact of textile products and promote more sustainable manufacturing. This will set standards for energy and resource efficiency, reusability, reparability, recyclability, and product transparency (11). Of particular interest to you is durability and reparability in the context of CARE. The new directive is intended to encourage companies to design products so that they last longer and can be repaired more easily. This means using high-quality materials that are robust and less susceptible to wear and tear, as well as enabling uncomplicated repairs.


Quick Wins & Challenges


  • If your clothing is of poor quality and shrinks or tears quickly, for example, even the best CARE won't do much good. CARE is more successful with high-quality products. You can recognise high-quality textiles, for example, by even seams, careful workmanship and heavier materials that have a smooth and dense structure.
  • Detergents usually pollute sewage treatment plants and water bodies. These effects can be minimised by dosing sparingly, avoiding fabric softener, and using highly concentrated washing powder.
  • As companies still manufacture products that release microplastics, it remains difficult to reduce the loss of microplastics during washing. Solutions such as cold washing and the use of washing nets or filters have not yet been fully proven to combat this issue. The best thing to do is to avoid synthetic materials or buy second-hand items.
  • We cannot completely avoid water and energy consumption when caring for our clothes, but we can minimise the use of both as much as possible through conscious and correct CARE.
  • The variety of materials used in the textile industry can make it difficult to choose the right care method, especially if the care label provides little information. Exchange ideas with others, test new methods on a small area of fabric, and discover our tips.


  • You maintain the quality of your clothing and can save money by buying fewer new items.
  • You strengthen your emotional bond with your textiles and extend their useful life.
  • Washing machines are often only half-loaded or barely soiled clothes are washed. Adjusting your washing habits not only saves water but also electricity, especially if you previously used a tumble dryer.
  • If you are well-informed and use simple home remedies, you can save money on expensive cleaning products and services.
  • With the right care methods, you can avoid problems such as shrunken laundry, stubborn stains, or your favourite jumper losing its colour.
Take Action

Now you come into play!

1. Try out our DIY tips

Check out our e-book dedicated to CARE! Inside, you'll discover a wealth of useful resources including video tutorials, books, and articles, all designed to help you give your clothes the best CARE possible.

2. Find a local service


Do your clothes or shoes need special treatment that you can't do at home? Professional dry-cleaning makes sense when it comes to delicate materials, intricate embellishments, or stubborn stains. However, dry cleaners often use harmful substances that can damage both the environment and your health and often remain in your clothes afterwards. Wet cleaning is an environmentally friendly alternative. When choosing a dry cleaning service, also look out for the Blue Angel Certification (12) for wet cleaning.

You can use our MAP and our GUIDE to find services in your area that offer "Sustainable Textile Cleaning" or "Shoe Cleaning".



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