Fair Price Calculator for Repair Services
Find out the minimum price for repairing your garment in seconds - fairly calculated from direct and hidden labour time (e.g. consultation time), running costs and a living wage.
Estimated minimum price for repair:
Based on your selectionDo you think the price is too high?
Price Calculator
Our price calculator will help you prepare for your next visit to the (alteration or repair) tailor and convince you to save your garment: Find out the fair price for your desired repair!
The calculation is based on interviews and surveys with Berlin-based tailors. We have set fair* minimum prices for the most common repairs, taking into account the time required and factors such as the running costs of the tailor's shop and a living wage. Our calculations take into account the minimum turnover which a one-person tailor shop needs to establish a sustainable business structure - including rent, insurance, bookkeeping and other fixed costs.
Simply select the appropriate categories to calculate your price. Any change in your selection will immediately show you the corresponding new price, making the results comparable. Try it out and see how prices change depending on the garment, material and type of repair. Did you know, for example, that leather repairs are very different from textile repairs?
*A fair price is based on the idea that tailors can pay themselves and their workers a living wage at the end of the month, after all deductions.
Labour time
The labour time quoted here is for the repair and a flat rate for consultation time. Did you ever think that this service would take so long? As non-professionals, we tend to underestimate the time it takes to repair textiles.
To calculate the fair minimum price, we have taken into account other factors such as the running costs of the tailor and a living wage, but this is only a guidance, not a recommendation or the actual price you will pay for your repair. You can find out the actual price from your local tailor and it will depend on the actual condition of your garment.
You can find out exactly how we calculated the fair minimum price here in the methodology.