Show initiative

Here you will learn what the project was initiated for and why it is so important to strengthen the circular textile economy with its local resources.


What we want to achieve

LOVED CLOTHES LAST*. We believe in a future where our clothes are loved again, live as long as possible and preserve a piece of history - where they are 'passed on' from generation to generation, recycled or even upgraded. We facilitate optimised textile cycles that protect our environment, that encourage a new and sustainable understanding of values, and that give us joy - in the often unexpected ways we can reuse our clothes.

Extending the use and life of our clothing is the best way to reduce the environmental impact of textiles. Our goal is to reach as many people as possible and encourage them to help shape our textile future.

Together we can create a cycle by donating our clothes properly, repairing them and making new from old. In this way, used or unused garments gain new value again and again and can continue their journey - A-GAIN & A-GAIN

*Book title by Orsola De Castro and claim of the Fashion Revolution campaign


The path to our goal

The A-GAIN GUIDE promotes the use and reuse of local resources, strengthens local networks and infrastructures and gives reuse actors the visibility they deserve.

Through our value-based community, we can provide education in favour of a holistic consumption consciousness guided by the principle of Sharing & Caring.


What the platform can do

The platform paves the way for you to repair, reuse, upcycle and recycle clothes in Berlin, thereby revealing the potential of your used clothes.

On the MAP, you will find all the textile recycling stakeholders in Berlin registered on the A-GAIN GUIDE, as well as their contact details. With the filter function you can narrow down your search and find relevant results faster.

Unsure of what to do with your clothes? The GUIDE will help identify the right solution for you and your garment.

Would you like to learn more about a circular and sustainable approach to textiles and discover practical solutions for your everyday life? Then discover the circularity of textiles on our KNOWLEDGE page.

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Get in touch with us directly! This could be to let us know about stakeholders we should add, suggest a possible collaboration, or even just to give us a bit of feedback about this platform!

​​The project is funded by the Berlin Senate Departments for the Environment, Transport & Climate Protection and for Economics, Energy and Operations as part of the Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Program 2030 (BEK), and implemented by Circular Berlin in cooperation with LoopLook. The A-Gain Guide will be continuously refined by Circular Berlin, LoopLook and its partners. Currently, the Circular Futures team supports the further development of the A-Gain Guide with a mentoring program.

Circular Berlin is a non-profit organisation that aims to accelerate Berlin's transformation into a circular city - with Berlin as a resilient, citizen-centred region. We carry out knowledge-building projects on the Circular Economy, activate the community and communicate the topic to students and professionals. Circular Berlin's work spans the construction industry and urban strategy, product and material design, food and biomass, and textiles and fashion.

LoopLook - Stefanie Barz and Alessandra-Isabel Hager - two trained fashion designers with expertise in sustainable textiles and the circular economy. Since 2020, the team has made it their mission to counteract global fast fashion practices in production and consumption on a local level. A key solution on the way is to promote consumer-oriented co-creation processes and SMEs in the form of a social business model.


Who we are

Arianna Nicoletti
Circular Textile Team Lead

Cherelle Escaffre
Project Management Circular Textiles

Sarah Keller
Project Management Circular Textiles

Stefanie Barz
Co-Founder — LoopLook

Alessandra-Isabel Hager
Co-Founder — LoopLook

© 2024 A—GAIN GUIDE • All rights reserved